Feb 20, 2017 | team news 2017
Congratulations to former student and current assistant professor at NTU, Dr. Chun-ti Chang, for his paper being highlighted by Physical Review E’s...
Feb 10, 2017 | team news 2017
Lakshmi Nathan was selected as GRS chair for the upcoming Physical Virology Gordon Research Seminar, which will be held in Ventura,...
Jan 20, 2017 | team news 2017
Mark Richards’s paper, entitled Two-Phase Contiguous Supported Lipid Bilayer Model for Membrane Rafts via Polymer Blotting and Stenciling, was accepted into...
Dec 20, 2016 | team news 2016
Professor Daniel visited France for three weeks for a collaboration with Professor Roisin Owens of EMSE and Professor Alberto Salleo of Stanford. They are developing new biotransistor devices for sensing...
Dec 10, 2016 | team news 2016
Professors Daniel, DeLisa, Paszek, and Shuler received the inaugural Robert F. Smith Innovation Fund seed grant for Spatio-temporal Biomanufacturing of Therapeutic Proteins using Membrane-bound...