A significant number of students on the Daniel Team have been honored with prestigious fellowships or training grants. These awards give students several benefits such as communicating they are among the best of their peer groups and providing flexibility in project choice and remove limitations due to constraints of funded projects.

Prestigious Fellowships and Training Grant Positions awarded to our students

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Fellowship

Ferra Pinnock


National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Alexis Ostwalt

Tiffany Tang

Zeinab Mohamed

Johana Uribe

Lakshmi Nathan


Sloan Foundation Fellowship

Zeinab Mohamed

Johana Uribe

Ferra Pinnock


Presidential Life Science Fellowship

Tiffany Tang


Fleming Biomolecular Engineering Fellowship

Lakshmi Nathan

Han Yuan Liu

Tiffany Tang


NIH Chemical-Biology Interface Training Grant Program

Zach Manzer


NSF Research Training Fellowship in Digital Plant Science

Bari Banuna


Dean’s Excellence Fellowship

Bari Banuna